
23 July 2024

Volunteers at the Terra Sancta Museum: great joy but also great courage!

When you go into the corridors of the Custody of the Holy Land, the territory of the Franciscans, you are immediately plunged into the heart of Jerusalem: a real maze milling with life! The ...

9 July 2024

When the saints, holy men and women, invite themselves to the museum

The liturgical year offers Christians the opportunity to relive the entire history of salvation and the life of Christ, over a year. A calendar of saints’ days also marks the feast dates of ...

18 June 2024

From Syria to Jerusalem: The Roman Provinces in mosaic at the Terra Sancta Museum

At the Terra Sancta Museum – SBF Archaeological Museum it will be possible to admire three mosaics depicting the Roman Provinces of Africa, Mauretania and Germany, from the city of Zeugma ...

4 June 2024

The Medici and Jerusalem

What link did the Medici family have with the Holy Land? And what prestigious gift did they give to the Holy Sepulcher? Franz Joseph Klos continues to explore the links between Tuscany and the Holy ...

30 April 2024

Ossuaries, archaeological witnesses of the first Christian community

What are ossuaries and what can we learn from them about the history of the first Christian community and their funerary practices? Margherita Capuani, a young archaeologist and volunteer at the ...

15 April 2024

A first icon from the Terra Sancta Museum restored by the Institut National du Patrimoine

Oriental Christian art will occupy a decisive place in the future Terra Sancta Museum – Art and History, with a dedicated section of 90 square metres. In particular, a selection of icons from the ...