7 March 2016

March 2016 – Opening of the Via Dolorosa, the multimedia installation on the Way of the Cross in Jerusalem

On 17th March 2016, at the Monastery of the Flagellation in Jerusalem, the Custody of the Holy Land (the Franciscan Order of the province of the Holy Land) will open the first section of the new Terra Sancta Museum: the Via Dolorosa, the Way of the Cross in Jerusalem.

The project is unique and innovative for the Holy City. It has been in construction for several years now and will be completed in 2018 with two other sections, an historical and an archaeological one.

The Terra Sancta Museum – Via Dolorosa is a multimedia installation which combines three different dimensions: historical / archaeological, emotional and spiritual. A journey back in time through the history of Jerusalem, from Jesus’ times to our days, in media-enhanced scenography. It will be a very powerful tool for experiencing, with greater understanding, the places along the Way of the Cross and the Holy Sepulchre, which many find difficult to comprehend today, and the urban evolution of the Holy City.

Additional materials: trailer and  pictures

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