20 June 2017

Ended the project: “Learning from close up-guided visits to historical and religious sites”. The students of the Jerusalem schools at the Terra Sancta Museum

The project “Learning from close up- guided visits to historical and religious sites” wanted and financed by ATS pro Terra Sancta and the Mosaic Centre Jericho مركز الفسيفساء أريحا  has just ended. This project permitted 705 students (between 10 and 15 years old) of 9 Jerusalem schools to visit sites really close to their houses, but often unknown to them, in this way it has been possible for them to know and learn something about other cultures. Among the sites linked with the “water cycle” or “mosaic” (for example the Saint Anne’s or Notre Dame de Sion noun’s tanks) one of the most important stop was at the Terra Sancta Museum.

“At the end of the visit we always ask the students what they liked the most, and often they answered the Multimedia Show” said Najati Fitiani, responsible and guide of the project.
Hopefully this project, which in the past had already brought more than 1000 students visiting the historical places of the Holy City, will keep on going throughout the whole summer and the next years, also it could be linked to several cultural aspects of Jerusalem.
We are very happy and proud for the fact that many students (many of them are Muslims), not so many of them often go out from their quarters, came back with parents or friends, this fact also makes us hope for a major integration among different people through the cultural exchange, one of the most important mean to finally get to the peace.

Corrado Scardigno

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