
7 May 2019

The story of the reliquary used for the feast of the Invention of the Cross

This morning, the Holy Sepulcher celebrated the feast of the Invention of the Cross by St. Helena (from the Latin invenire: find). On this occasion, a reliquary in gold and precious stones of the ...

19 April 2019

Funeral of Christ: Franciscan Treasures of Good Friday

Today churches around the world celebrate and commemorate the Passion and death of Jesus Christ. Each year, on the very site where the historical events took place, in the Holy Sepulcher, a ceremony ...

12 April 2019

Go behind the scenes of the Terra Sancta Museum!

Passionate for the History of Art and the Holy Land, a team of volunteers of various nationalities worked for several months at the museum in order to inventory and to exhibit the exceptional ...

9 April 2019

Fundraising: When United Kingdom supports the Terra Sancta Museum in Jerusalem

Pro Terra Sancta UK hosted its launch event April 4th to raise funds to complete the new Terra Sancta museum in the old city of Jerusalem. The museum aims to “Build a bridge of ...

2 April 2019

A.Sakleh, carpenter in Bethlehem: "My armoires will house a treasure!"

An unusual hubbub reigns in the department of Cultural Goods at the Custody of the Holy Land. The coming and going of volunteers carrying liturgical vestments is mixed up with that of carpenters who ...

12 March 2019

Scientific Committee: Terra Sancta Museum receives its roadmap

From Monday 4th to Tuesday 5th March, the Scientific Committee - composed of directors of museums and art historians from all over the world - of the Terra Sancta Museum met in Paris for its fourth ...

7 March 2019

The Polish language arrives at the Terra Sancta Museum

On March 7 at the Monastery of the Flagellation in Jerusalem, in the spaces dedicated to the Terra Sancta Museum, the Polish version of the multimedia installation was opened. This initiative was ...

4 March 2019

The Treasury of the Holy Sepulchre unveils its collection of liturgical vestments.

Testaments to the dedication of Europe’s sovereigns to the Holy Land, the Custody’s liturgical vestments have attracted the interest of numerous art historians, whose study will help choose ...

26 February 2019

Reportage - From the "École du Louvre" to the Terra Sancta Museum

The collections of the Custody of the Holy Land attract every year more and more Art History students. This is the reason for the partnership with the École du Louvre, to send students who are ...

20 February 2019

A digital invitation to the Terra Sancta Museum!

The Terra Sancta Museum is most pleased to announce to you the release of its digital application, which will guide you during your visit to the museum! Thanks to our free wifi service, you can ...

30 January 2019

The Custody's collection attracts a foreign student

TERRASANCTAMUSEUM/MEETING. During a volunteer experience in the Department of Cultural Goods of the Holy Land, Carlotta Schiavon, a student in Art History, discovered the unique heritage of the ...

23 January 2019

Archaeological excavations : « These ceramics are a treasure of historical data”

TERRASANCTAMUSEUM/MEETING: Interview with Stefania Peluso, archaeologist at the Custody of the Holy Land, entrusted with the study of the ceramic collection, dating from the 15th and 16th centuries, ...